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How Strong Is My Password?

The longer and more complex your password, the better!

Check how long it would take to crack your password

The longer and more complex your password, the harder it will be for cyber-criminals to crack it through brute force.

Brute force is where automated software tries thousands of variations of passwords, until it finds the right one.

The Ipmortance of Strong Passwords

Recent studies reveal that many individuals and organisations in the UK continue to use weak or easily guessable passwords, leaving them vulnerable to cyber threats. Consider the following statistics:


"Of UK businesses did not implement a password policy during 2024." - Source 


63% of people in the UK employ simple patterns for their passwords, such as "123456" or "qwerty."

Additionally, 91% of passwords found in data breaches are either weak or reused, highlighting a significant vulnerability.



"A 2024 study revealed that only 20% of UK individuals can accurately distinguish a secure password from a compromised one." - Source 

Tips For Creating Strong Passwords

If you're averse to using strong passwords because you fear forgetting them, here are some things worth considering:

Use a Password Manager

Using a password manager takes the burden of remembering passwords away from you.

Don't Make It Too Easy

A password form doesn't know the difference between you and a hacker. If a password is easy for you to guess, then it's easy for a hacker to guess.

Make It Difficult To Guess

A good password is one that's easy to remember but difficult to guess. It's a balance between convenience and security.